Jeff is well known for his speaking engagements and consulting work, but he is most recognized for his books on the topic of measuring UX outcomes, including Lean UX, Sense and Respond, and most recently, Forever Employable.
“Agile is built on the core principle of a cross-functional team focused on outcomes over outputs. However, far too few companies truly democratize data well. Typically, analytics is controlled by a few within an organization and shared sporadically with the team implementing the roadmap (i.e., Designers and Developers). This approach causes many challenges and often leads to groups (UX and Development) not getting the data that they need in a timely, and hassle-free manner. Cross-functional Product teams need direct access to data and analytics for a successful and healthy agile process. ImpactProduct is directly focused on this challenge and is building a great product that is accessible and easy to use by an entire Product Development team, (especially UX / Product Design) and directly ties outputs to outcomes. I am excited to join their team and empower organizations to show the impact of Design.”- Jeff Gothelf
ImpactProduct’s mission is to connect your Design projects to Business Outcomes and demonstrate the power of UX to stakeholders. Our founder, Steven Cohn, is incredibly passionate about the UX space. His previous company, Validately, which was acquired by UserZoom, focused on rapid UX research and fostered team collaboration.
“I have long been a fan of Jeff. I love his writing and I deeply believe in his core message...Outcomes over Outputs. We followed that approach while at Validately, but found our greatest challenge was finding an analytics tool that supported our Designers’ needs, was easy to use, and wasn’t a hassle to implement. That is why we started ImpactProduct. I partnered with Jeff Gothelf again to bring his voice into our roadmap and company. I am excited to have him on our journey.” - Steven Cohn.